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The West Hollywood Beverly Hills Democratic Club is a political organization committed to promoting Democratic values and candidates in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Our mission is to engage, educate and empower voters to participate in the democratic process and to advocate for policies that promote social, economic and environmental justice. We were founded in 1985 as the West Hollywood Democratic Club and in 2005, activists in Beverly Hills formed Beverly Hills Democrats. The two clubs joined forces in 2009 and are now officially chartered by the LA County Democratic Party and the California Democratic Party. Our history is rooted in the fight for equality, justice and progress.


Below is a list of our Executive Board Members, our Executive Councilors, and our Advisory Board Members. You can view our bylaws here.

Executive Board

Jeff Book - President
Hon. Lillian Raffel - Political Affairs VP
Ruth Cislowski - Legislative VP
Linda Raffel - Membership VP

Farrah Dodes - Administrative VP

Michael Aguilera-Gaudette - Secretary/Historian
Hon. Noah Margo - Controller
​Joe Cislowski - At Large
Hon. Virginia Maas - At Large
Hon. Steve Webb - At Large

Hon. Howard Goldstein, Esq. - Prior Past-President

Executive Councilors

Donald DeLuccio
Rob Kalonian
Teddy Kapur
Laurence Zakson

Beverly Hills Advisory Board

Farrah Dodes

Noah Furie
Kelly Hinden
Charlie Salazar

West Hollywood Advisory Board

Ruth Cislowski
Michael Dolan

Mischa Irwin

Josh Kurpies​

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